Handcrafted from natural stone and so there will be variances in colour.
Presented on a card making them ideal Gifts.
Each Pendant comes on a black cord thong with a metal clasp.
Amethyst - Amethyst helps overcome fears and cravings. It also helps relieve headaches. It is used as a dream stone and to help insomnia. Put an amethyst under your pillow to bring about pleasant dreams, or rub it across your forehead to offer relief from a headache.
Aventurine - Aventurine, is known as the “Stone of Opportunity,” thought to be the luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth.
Black Onyx - Black Onyx, can be used to protect you from negativity. Encouraging self confidence and a healthy egotism.
Carnelian - Carnelian enhances and vitalises the physical, emotional and mental bodies. It’s warm, inviting and joyous energy attunes with the inner self helping to open the heart. It helps restore vitality and increase ones motivation and get up and go. It is great for stimulating creativity. Carnelian is full of life force and gives us courage and vigour to make the right life choices. It helps anchor you in the present reality, aiding concentration and willpower, allowing you to trust yourself and your perceptions.
Fluorite - Fluorite promotes focus, intuition and understanding. It helps to bring chaos into order, promoting stability, free thinking and clear unbiased reasoning. Fluorite is excellent for the advancement of the mind, aiding in meditation and inter-dimensional communication. It is a highly protective stone, especially on a psychic level and from outside influences. Fluorite draws away negative energy and stress, cleansing and purifying the body.
Gold Tigers Eye - Black Onyx, can be used to protect you from negativity. Encouraging self confidence and a healthy egotism.
Hematite - Hematite is a grounding and protective stone that energises and vitalises the physical body. It promotes optimism, determination, courage, self esteem and willpower, helping you to magnetise what you truly want and to strive for improvement. Hematite harmonises the mind, body and spirit, helping to dissolve negativity.
Opalite – Opalite is a stone of love, but only rewards faithful lovers. It is said to help form lasting romantic bonds. It is believed to alleviate depression, soothe frayed nerves and help us to step away from anxiety. It is said to bring inner peace and a sense of calm in any situation.
Quartz - Quartz, for centuries the Greeks believed quartz to be deeply frozen ice which would never thaw.
Rose Quartz - Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace.
Sodalite - Sodalite is the stone of self truth and insight. It stimulates your intuition and observation abilities allowing you to uncover the truth, whilst making it possible to remain true to yourself and stand up for what you believe in. Sodalite brings emotional balance and can be helpful in times of stress or panic. It helps to release our fears that hold us back from being who we truly are, promoting self trust and self acceptance.